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The EU AI Act: eventually adopted by the European Parliament

Strasbourg this week was dominated by Artificial Intelligence. Find in this short article Axel's speech on the adopted AI Act during the discussion with other parliamentarians and his statement after the vote in plenary.

"After almost three years of political negotiations, the #EU has succeeded in adopting a flexible and cooperative digital law. Based on internationally accepted principles and a risk-based approach, the #AIAct focuses on high-risk AI systems and shares the regulatory burden fairly among various market actors. New approaches (i.e. regulatory sandboxes, technical standards) should also help SMEs to develop compliant AI systems more cost-effectively.

Nevertheless, we have serious doubts if the product safety approach (#NLF) is conceptually capable to regulate an evolving technology. The often vague and sometimes contradictory law with its over-complicated governance system risks to repeat many problems from the time when the #GDPR became applicable. Our AI developers will often not know how to comply with the AI Act and who to turn to if they face problems.

As many voices from civil society, academia and industry have nevertheless called for the adoption of the law in recent weeks, we, the delegation of the CDU Deutschlands in the European Parliament, voted today despite our concerns in favour of the AI Act. To ensure that legal uncertainty does not hamper the development and deployment of AI in the EU, I have published - on behalf of my delegation - a list with 10 additional measures. You can find it here."

Our CDU/CSU colleagues in Berlin issued a similar statement that you can read here.

Watch Axel's full statement during yesterday's plenary debate on the AI Act in Strasbourg:


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