Together with my two co-publishers, Professor Dr Rolf Schwartmann and Professor Tobias Keber, I have finalised our legal handbook on the new EU law for Artificial Intelligence. It will be released by C.F. Müller GmbH in a few weeks!

As joint publishers, Prof. Dr. Rolf Schwartmann (Professor at Cologne University of Applied Sciences and Member of the Federal Government's Data Ethics Commission [DEK]), Tobias Keber (Professor at Stuttgart Media University and Commissioner of the Data protection authority Baden-Württemberg [LfDI]) and myself have teamed up with experts coming from data protection authorities, academia, justice, companies, and trade associations to analyse the new European law for AI.

Soon, the result of several months of work will be published. With our handbook, we want to help providers and deployers of AI systems to better understand their new rights as well as obligations. ⚠️ What makes this publication unique in the growing market of AI Act books is the in-depth elaboration of the laws' relationship with other applicable legal frameworks such as the GDPR, DSA, copyright or in the employment area. Besides, it will be published in two languages: there is a #German and an #English version. ⚠️
The handbook has the following structure: Chapter 1 introduces to the story behind the law, explains its core terms and distinguish AI from other technologies. Chapter 2 presents guidelines of how to understand the different risk categories of the AI Act (prohibitions, high-risk, GPAI / value chain, chatbots / deepfakes) and how they relate to other legal responsibilities of AI provider and deployer. Chapter 3 illustrates the governance and enforcement system of the AI Act, focusing in particular on the relationship between EU and national authorities, sanctions and the established liability regimes.

And this is just the first of two publications on the AI Act. At the end of 2024, a legal commentary ('Heidelberger Kommentar: KI-VO') will follow! Last but not least, a big THANK YOU to Axel Voss and the European Parliament for approving my participation in this exciting project 🙏 It goes without saying that I have handed in an explizit waiver, meaning that my activities are neither remunerated nor will I receive any royalties from C.F. Müller.

Shoutout to the whole team: Kristin Benedikt, Jonas Ganter, Tobias Haar, Marit Hansen, Markus Hartmann, Clarissa Henning, Martin Kessen, Moritz Köhler, Sascha Kremer, Daniel Maslewski, Dr. Kristof Meding, Dr. Robin L. Mühlenbeck, Peter Nägele, Eva-Maria Pottkämper, LL.M., Johannes Rembold, Dr. Jessica Sänger, Anne Steinbrück, David Wasilewski, Dr. Markus Wünschelbaum, Maren Kirchhof, Inka Greifenstein, and Tilman Datow.
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