The (Vice) chairs’ expertise and vision will be crucial in guiding GPAI rules for the future and ensuring that the European way to trustworthiness in the AI ecosystem will endure, Kai Zenner and Cornelia Kutterer write.

Together with Cornelia Kutterer I wrote an op-ed for Euronews, in which we are pointing out the significance of the (Vice-) Chairs in the upcoming drafting of the GPAI Code of Practice. The AI Office will soon announce their names.
The appointed individuals will have a lot of influence, as they are the de facto pen holders responsible for drafting texts and chairing the four working groups. Their independence and their vision will be crucial in guiding GPAI rules for the future and ensuring that the European way to trustworthiness in the AI ecosystem will endure. To achieve the best outcome, the (Vice) Chairs should be selected by merit: combining strong knowledge on GPAI models with practical experience on how to run technical committee work.
Which lessons we can learn from the Codes of Practice on Disinformation? What are the risks of this co-regulatory approach? And why do we think that the EU would benefit by appointing also some internationally renewed experts as (Vice-) Chairs? Read our views on those and other points in this article.