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The AI Act: The long journey towards the final legal text

You want to retrospectively monitor and better understand how the EU went from its prep-work on AI to the legislative end-product. Well, you are lucky - this post lists every official document that has been produced by the EU Institutions from 2015 until 2024.

(1) Prep work on EU level: The European Parliament (JURI committee) started already in 2015 to work on AI with a first Resolution on robotics that was adopted in 2017. After the 2019 election, further resolutions and a special committee complemented that ideas. The Commission published several communications on AI and created the High-Level Expert Group on AI that published itself overall four reports.

(2) European Commission: The proposal for an AI Act (Regulation + Annex) was presented on 21 April 2021. Since then, the Commission's task was to support the co-legislators in concluding the inter-institutional negotiations (trilogue).

(3) Council: While the Progress Report of the Slovenian Presidency (2/2021) only covered Art 1 - 7, the French Presidency (1/2022) discussed and proposed compromises for the whole text. It was the Czech Presidency (2/2022), which managed to finalize the General Approach of the Council on 6 December 2022.

(4) European Parliament: The co-Rapporteurs presented their draft report in the IMCO and LIBE committee on 20 April 2022. After the deadline for AMs on 1 June 2022, the drafting of compromises and political negotiations began. Five additional committees adopted an opinion (JURI with Rule 57+ | ITRE and CULT with Rule 57 | ENVI and TRAN with Rule 56). The IMCO/LIBE committee vote took place on 11 May 2023, while the whole European Parliament eventually adopted the report on 14 June 2023 in plenary.

IMCO/LIBE - lead committees (Rule 58 - joint committee procedure)

Associated committees - JURI (Rule 57+), ITRE/CULT (Rule 57)

➤ Exclusive competences on Art 13, 14, 52, 69

➤ Exclusive competences on Art 15, 55

Committees for simple opinion - ENVI/TRAN (Rule 56)

(5) Other EU Institutions or advisory bodies: While these bodies have no legislative power, their non-binding opinions should be also taken into account by the European Commission, Council of the European Union and European Parliament.

(6) Trilogue negotiations: Directly after the adoption of its positions, the European Parliament met the Swedish Presidency in the first political trilogue session on 14 June 2023. It was however the Spanish Presidency under which the negotiations have accelerated and were political concluded on 6 December 2023. It was the Belgium Presidency that finished the technical work on the Recitals after the political deal and organized the Coreper that approved the AI Act on 2 February 2024. The European Parliament voted on 13 February (committee) and in 13 March (plenary), while it adopted the Corrigium on 25 April (plenary).

The AI Act was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 12 July 2024. Twenty days later on 1 August 2024, the law entered into force and becomes, in accordance with Article 113, applicable between 2 February 2025 and 2 August 2027, depending on the respective transition period. Download the legal text below:


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