On 15 March, not only our AI Act draft report will be presented in the JURI committee, MEP Axel Voss will also reveal four political initiatives. They all pursue the goal to increase legal certainty within the Digital Single Market as well as to make the EU a global leader in AI.

Our four political initiatives at a glance:
(1) Better regulation: we are very concerned that the AI Act (AIA) leads to legal overlaps with existing as well as upcoming laws (e.g. DSA, MR, MDR). Moreover, it seems likely that it will create parallel obligations for the provider (e.g. duty to do GDPR's DPIA and the AIA's risk assessment). Our list collects potential problems in the AIA:
(2) Better governance: similar to legislative overlaps, the EU digital governance system is affected by overlaps and contradictions. We propose a new EU coordination mechanism that promotes common guidelines and joint regulatory approaches among EU bodies such as the EDPB and ENISA:
(3) Impact assessment: we are concerned that more than 10% of all AI systems will fall under the AIA and that the expected compliance costs for providers are too low. To avoid a second GDPR costs disaster, we ask the European Parliament Research Service to undertake a substitute impact assessment:
(4) AI coordinated plan: although the 2021 update of the European Commission is comprehensive, it is not enough to make the EU a global leader in AI. What is needed is a bold long-term vision embedded in a political process like the 2000 Lisbon Agenda. Check out the policy recommendations of our 'EU Roadmap for AI':