November update: Bruegel and I worked hard over the last weeks on our overview of digital laws and EU governance mechanism. We also added four additional slides that illustrate the legislative progress on our suggestions of a 'top 5 of digital files' for each year between 2020-2023.
Status quo: many proposals have been adopted in the meantime but what is left? In total, 29 legislative files are still pending ... and time is running out with the upcoming European elections, which forces policy-makers to stop all ongoing political negotiations in February 2024. Some remarks:
◾ Our publication is NOT a statement against regulation. We feel that almost all legislative files in our table 1 have identified important existing problems and are coming up with correct countermeasures.
◾ However, where we see an issue is the lack of coherence! There are countless overlaps and contradictions, both on the legislative and the enforcement level. This will create huge legal uncertainty and enormous compliance costs that will particularly affect smaller market players like SMEs and startups.
◾ The next European Commission should therefore focus on analyzing and improving the legal system in order to make sure that the EU digital laws have the intended effect and achieve the underlying policy goals. Next term, #betterregulation must to be back at the forefront!
Thanks like always for the great cooperation J. Scott Marcus, Kamil Sekut and Hèctor Badenes Rodríguez. Download the file as well as a memo here: