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Jun 6, 20242 min read
Digital factsheet Vol 3: A dataset on EU legislation for the digital world
The end of term update is there. Bruegel and I worked hard over the last weeks so that we can give you the latest overview of digital laws.

Mar 10, 20241 min read
Interim report of the United Nations on 'Governing AI for Humanity'
I became part of the 'Network of Experts' that will advise the United Nations Secretary-General’s 'High-Level Advisory Body on AI'.

Feb 14, 20248 min read
Some personal reflections on the EU AI Act: a bittersweet ending
Proud of many achievements, disappointed over the untapped potential but truly shocked by the ways the EUÂ is currently doing laws.

Nov 16, 20231 min read
Digital factsheet #5: A dataset on EU legislation for the digital world
November update: Bruegel and I worked hard over the last weeks on our overview of digital laws and EU governance mechanism.

Oct 4, 20231 min read
The AI Act: timeline (October I update)
There is so much confusion about the AI Act negotiations after this week's trilogue that it is time for another update.
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