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Aug 26, 20241 min read
Op-Ed: Pivotal moment for EU AI regulation: Who will lead the GPAI code of practice?
The chairs’ vision will be crucial in guiding GPAI rules for the future and ensuring that EU way to AI trustworthiness will endure.

Jul 28, 20242 min read
The AI Act: The long journey towards the final legal text
This post lists each document that has been produced from 2015 until 2024, on the long journey to the final law.

Jul 28, 20244 min read
The implementation & enforcement of the EU AI Act: the timeline
This regular updated blog post provides you with the key dates when it comes to the implementation and enforcement of the AI Act.

Jul 28, 20242 min read
The implementation & enforcement of the EU AI Act: the documents
This regular updated blog post provides you with all the latest documents and timelines for the currently negotiated AI Act.

Jul 20, 20242 min read
The AI Act: responsibilities of the EU Member States
This document gives you on 22 pages a comprehensive list of all obligations and tasks that the AI Act refers to Member States.

Jul 10, 20242 min read
The AI Act: responsibilities of the European Commission (AI Office)
My article gives you on 25 pages a comprehensive list of all obligations and tasks in the EU AI Act for the European Commission.

Jul 2, 20241 min read
The AI Act: relationship between recitals and articles.
Find here a comprehensive overview of all recitals in the EU AI Act and their relation to articles.

Jun 25, 20242 min read
Preannouncement: AI Act handbook to be published this summer.
Prof Schwartmann, Prof Keber, and I have finalised our legal handbook on the EU AI Act. To be released this summer.

Jun 6, 20242 min read
Digital factsheet Vol 3: A dataset on EU legislation for the digital world
The end of term update is there. Bruegel and I worked hard over the last weeks so that we can give you the latest overview of digital laws.

May 24, 20242 min read
Op-Ed: A vision for the AI Office - Rethinking digital governance in the EU
Spearheading the implementation of the AI, the AI Office requires robust leadership and an innovative structure.

Mar 19, 20242 min read
The EU AI Act: call to action for stakeholders
As the AI Act timeline should be clear by now, this post will focus on four suggestions of how to develop a competitive edge.

Mar 13, 20241 min read
The EU AI Act: eventually adopted by the European Parliament
Find in this article Axel's speech on the adopted AI Act during the discussion with other parliamentarians and his statement after the vote.

Mar 10, 20241 min read
Interim report of the United Nations on 'Governing AI for Humanity'
I became part of the 'Network of Experts' that will advise the United Nations Secretary-General’s 'High-Level Advisory Body on AI'.

Mar 6, 20244 min read
Ten steps to make the AI Act an EU success story
The following steps are required to make the EU AI Act a genuine success story.

Feb 26, 20242 min read
Microsoft-Mistral partnership and the EU AI Act
Todays headline came as a surprise to many. Moreover, it casts doubts on one of the major arguments against foundation models regulation.

Feb 22, 20242 min read
Op-ed: 'Die Ergebnisse der Trilogverhandlungen zur KI-Regulierung' (RDV 1/24)
My next 'Bericht aus Brüssel' in the 1st issue in 2024 of the RDV swiftly summarize the results of the Trilogue.

Feb 14, 20248 min read
Some personal reflections on the EU AI Act: a bittersweet ending
Proud of many achievements, disappointed over the untapped potential but truly shocked by the ways the EUÂ is currently doing laws.

Oct 30, 20231 min read
The AI Act: timeline (October II update)
Last Tuesday, 24th October the 4th political trilogue on the AI Act took place. Time for another update. Check the graphic below for an...

Oct 14, 20237 min read
Op-ed: 'KI-Regulierung: ein Trilog unter großem Zeitdruck' (RDV 5/23)
My next 'Bericht aus Brüssel' in the 5th issue in 2023 of the RDV (Fachzeitschrift für Datenschutzrecht) summarizes the most important...

Oct 4, 20231 min read
The AI Act: timeline (October I update)
There is so much confusion about the AI Act negotiations after this week's trilogue that it is time for another update.
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